The Chapel of Cartwheels

         I had the chance to be a part of a documentary shoot about Negros island's sugar history. One of the locations where we had our documentary shoot was the Gaston Compound at Manapla. (Manapla is about about 30 - 45, going north from Bacolod City proper). I was excited for this was my first time to see the compound and this is where you can also find the Chapel of Cartwheels. I started to wonder, if there is a chapel of cartwheels then there must be a Temple of Tumbling? or a Basilica of Back-dive?

The chapel is made out of old cartwheels.

I didn't count how many cartwheels were used, there was also no guide or a local to ask for info regarding chapel of cartwheels. I tried searching info on the net but got other blogs instead, try and visit this -> to get more info on Manapla.

A holy water font or stoup made from a mortar used to pound grain...

A podium made from stone...

The altar made from stone...

The crucifix inside the chapel...

Even the stained glass windows are made from old cartwheels and recycled glass.

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